Tag: Hidden Valley
Our teenagers keep growing, and soon the oldest ones will no longer be teens. Mira Biddle Tieman, first baby of a member born since Earthaven began, spent as much time living at Earthaven as her Mom, Tara, could conjure, while living and working in Asheville the rest of the time. They traveled...
Orientation: Permaculture and Land Use at Earthaven…and More!
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Forestry, Membership, Permaculture, Regenerative Agriculture, Village Economics. No Comments on Orientation: Permaculture and Land Use at Earthaven…and More!
by Arjuna da Silva
We’ve known for quite a few years that new members coming into Earthaven needed a lot more coaching about our history, plans, policies and practices than they were able to get through the normal course of a Provisional Membership. We’ve required and offered trainings in...
News notes – Summer 2009
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Conscious Relating, Village Economics, Village Life. No Comments on News notes – Summer 2009
We had a wonderful forum workshop with Achim and Ina from ZEGG community in Germany. We’ve been using the forum process for a few years and it was great to have some refresher training!
Suchi, Kimchi, and Gaspar have been facilitating forum at Earthaven for the past couple years. Arjuna,...
The 9th Continental Bioregional Congress
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Conscious Relating, Social Events, Spirit and Culture, Village Economics. No Comments on The 9th Continental Bioregional Congress
Earthaven Ecovillage, July 2005
Over five months later, we offer these highlights from Cathy’s daily reports:
People came from all over the country, from the Ozarks, Chesapeake Bay, Minnesota, the Great Lakes, Florida, California, Puget Sound, Texas, Mississippi, and Maine; from as far...