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Tag: nonviolent communication

Healthy Relationships

I believe many of us desire healthy, engaged, dynamic, alive, and supportive relationships. I know that I do. I’ve noticed that when I have a strong sense of self and can name what I want and need, things tend to go better in my relationships. And yet, I still do those all too...

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Life Advice for Your 20 Year Old Self with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Courtney Brooke: Hi Steve. Steve: Hi. Courtney Brooke:  I was just noticing you know in my life the longing for more mentorship and elders. So I’ve been asking some people in my life who are who are more experienced and farther along the journey. If you could give...

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Compassion Camp 2021 using NVC with Steve Torma at Earthaven Ecovillage

(Transcript from video) Steve: Hey, folks..I really want to invite you to join us for compassion camp this summer, July 15 through 18  2021 at Earthaven Ecovillage. If you haven’t heard of compassion camp before this is our third time doing it and it has some features to it that i just...

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Celebrating the Third Biennial Restorative Circles Conference

  July’s Restorative Circles (RC) Conference hosted by Culture’s Edge at Earthaven brought together about 30 Restorative Justice and Nonviolent Communication practitioners from around the world to strengthen the network of resources for deep, global societal change, starting with...

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