We recently revamped our entire outreach process.
You’re hearing more from us by email. We’re making lots of videos to share with you. And we are engaging more on social media.
During our first two decades on the ground at Earthaven we didn’t have much capacity for outreach. And...
Under One Roof
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Businesses, Earthaven Education, Online Events. No Comments on Under One Roof
This fall marks a new beginning in the life of educational programming at Earthaven. Two of the village’s educational organizations have merged. Culture’s Edge and School of Integrated Living (SOIL) are now one. Read on to learn more of their histories and how the merger evolved.
Steve Torma on the Value of Compassion
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Conscious Relating, Earthaven Education, In-Person Events. No Comments on Steve Torma on the Value of Compassion
Steve Torma laughs when he remembers his first exposure to nonviolent communication (NVC), the system of compassionate human relations developed by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. As a fresh-faced 25-year-old at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, he attended exactly one...
Grieving as a Village
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in In-Person Events, People Care, Spirit and Culture. No Comments on Grieving as a Village
by Kimchi Rylander
On November 14 & 15, a cluster of our village family and friends joined over a hundred people in Asheville for a Grief Ritual with Sobonfu Somé, sponsored by the School of Integrated Living (SOIL). Sobonfu is a gifted spiritual teacher from the Dagara tradition of Burkina...
Local Economy, Ecovillage Style
Written by Earthaven Admin Team on . Posted in Businesses, Village Economics. No Comments on Local Economy, Ecovillage Style
Being out in “the boonies,” the concept of a local economy is a major focus for us. And as an independent incomes community, each of us is responsible for creating our own livelihood. In addition to over 70 Earthaven residents, about 100 neighbors are part of our local village economy.
Some folks...