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A living laboratory for a sustainable human future.

Tag: Village Terraces

The Imani Ag Coop A Food-Growing Cooperative at Earthaven

When we finished the first building at Village Terraces Cohousing Neighborhood in 2004, we had $50 in our collective checking account. As one of our intentions as a group was to grow food together, we began to think of it more as a long-term goal than a current one. Aside from the fact that clearing...

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Orientation: Permaculture and Land Use at Earthaven…and More!

by Arjuna da Silva We’ve known for quite a few years that new members coming into Earthaven needed a lot more coaching about our history, plans, policies and practices than they were able to get through the normal course of a Provisional Membership. We’ve required and offered trainings in Consensus...

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Natural building profile: Pokeberry

(Talk by Chris Farmer to a visitors’ tour, describing the upstairs of the new building at Village Terraces) Chris Farmer and Brian Love are the two main builders of Pokeberry Hill, a two story dwelling built using ecological principles. Farmer started by noting that many innovative building techniques...

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